The Key to Content Marketing

Being a good content marketer does not require us to have a vast knowledge of your product. It does not require us to be perfect or to know it all. But it does mean we have to be skilled at human behavior. Human behavior is studied by the social sciences, which include psychology, sociology, economics, and anthropology. In sociology, behavior may broadly refer to all basic human actions, including but not limited to why people act the way they do and why they buy what they do. Having that knowledge and understanding gives us the ability to represent you and or your product, and to help You grow your brand.

Content roles are important. Knowledge of future trends is important. Content structure, strategy, SEO all take creative mussel. Demand-gen marketers, digital expertise and an understanding of business defines a skilled content marketer.

No matter what state of building your brand you’re in, all content creation starts with easily managed content. It is important to organize, collaborate and execute an effective and pleasing marketing strategy by managing your content and knowing when the best time is to post for your product and your customer base.

It also has zero to do with knowing how to navigate social media. Let me repeat that, knowledge of social media does not mean you will be able to run a successful content marketing campaign. Many people make this mistake. Just because a young intern can post your product on your social channels, does not mean they know how to successfully manage your social media for your business. It is not a matter of just making posts. Look at the feed of your competition, see what types of posts people react to. This will help give you valuable insight as to what works and what does not. It takes knowledge and experience of how to target your market and know what motivates them. Reactions and interactions are what controls your SEO. SEO cannot be written in, that is an old school technique, SEO has to be modeled and utilized to the advantage of your business.

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pamm meyers

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