The Social Dilemma

The very meaning of culture is manipulation. Deceit and deception are at the center of everything we do.

There are only two industries that call their customers ‘Users”:
illegal drugs and software.

Are you being manipulated?

These are questions being posed during the new Netflix documentary.

It is a brilliantly produced documentary about what is happening with social media, behind the scenes. It explores the dangerous human impact on social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.

And it is absolutely true, if a bit sensationalized. We have all heard it before, this is not new news, but it does drive the point home in no uncertain terms. Our data is being collected, sold, and used. Not only that, but we are being subliminally manipulated by social media.

So, what do you do? My answer is nothing. You can’t live without it. It is NOT going to go away anytime soon, and we still need it to market our businesses.

So, don’t go running to the hills ready to dump your social media. But let’s find a way to use it to your advantage.

What does social media offer you? It still offers you a way to connect with people and keep your business out there on the tops of minds of your customers. That is not changing. It helps you stay connected, that need is not changing.

If you are at all concerned with the issues they bring up in the film, it is easy to disconnect personally. At best, find varied sources for your news that are not on social media. But the worst thing you can do is to run in panic if you are using it for your business.


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