Running Social Media Campaigns

The toughest part of running any sort of social media campaign is coming up with new ideas. Here are a few suggestions that may resonate with you.
Start a Weekly Series
Want to make your social feed feel more like an event? Start a weekly series where you have the opportunity to interact with your fans and followers on a regular basis – kind of like a ‘Ask and Expert” program. Communicating with your followers and offering helpful information is crucial to a successful social media campaign. And having a conversation of sorts with your followers shows that you care about them.
Run a Contest
People can’t resist the power of “free.” Give something away. Ideally, the prize for your contest should somehow be related to your brand. Cover yourself legally, terms and conditions are a must for your contest. Ask them to reply with your branded hashtag, because  the purpose of a giveaway is brand awareness, not just to give away free stuff and hashtags are the simplest means of keeping track of who entered your contest.
Host an AMA (ask me anything) series
Use the opportunity to educate and engage with your followers through Q&A sessions where you get to share your knowledge, experiences and insight. It could be about struggles in your industry, or sharing success stories to personal challenges, such sessions can be rewarding for audiences.
Utilize bite size video clips
Video marketing has become a must-do for modern brands. You don’t need to make an investment in a complicated video. Keep it simple. Bite-sized video clips are still a great idea for your social media posts.

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