Snap, Crackle, Pop

But I am not talking about what you had for breakfast. Snapchat is the most popular social platform with younger audiences. Instagram however, is pulling in a strong second. This is from a Piper Jaffray report, which incorporates responses from 8,600 teens, with an average age of 16, from across 48 US states. If you market toys, clothing or food products, these are import stats to be aware of.

Facebook took a big hit with the recent bad press from the last presidential election and they are scrambling to get back their market share while dealing with privacy issues. In my opinion, they have a long way to go if they want to hold their position in today’s social marketplace. Taking the ability away from professional marketing companies to post to personal Facebook pages was not their best decision. While it does stop some feed from getting in it has certainty not lessened the ‘sponsored’ posts. In fact, Facebook is actually making more money this way because it is forcing small businesses to spend more on AdWords and Boosting because they cannot reach their personal influences through Facebook any longer.

If you want to reach teens, Snapchat and Instagram are where you should be. If they are not your target audience, then Facebook is still the best way to go.

We will definitely see changes in platforms in the future. We can only guess what that will look like. That said, I do not advise putting all your marketing into one platform. They are all still free to use with the exception of paid advertising, so you might as well utilize the space as best you can while it is still available.

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