Social Media Algorithms

Social media algorithms: I often see posts being made about the change in Facebook Algorithms. But there is truly nothing to be alarmed about. Not yet anyway. All the social platforms are constantly making changes to their platforms. Most of them are not even noticeable to the average user. They do this, like any good business, to improve the user experience. However the latest changes in Facebook were done to drive you to create more organic posts and video. And if you have a business page, they like you to boost more often. We all know how they monitor posts to control the feed you see daily. They also watch for engagement and video. Have you noticed when you post a video, they will keep it in the top of your feed? The amount of engagement your posts receive is also monitored and quite often share buttons are taken away to control certain types of posts.

What are you doing to improve your social media user experience? Are you creating and curating engaging posts and video that engage and entertains your followers? Care to share a recent experience on the number of likes or comments you have received on a post?

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