Networking through social media, just as in good networking, it should develop genuine organic relationships, not just making contacts. You want to nurture those relationships, follow up with lunch or coffee. Create value while building your relationships. You can create value by sharing a social media or blog post, introducing them to someone they did not know. Help them accomplish their goals.
Creating value for others is especially important in today’s market place. With so many choices available to us we have little patience with an inferior product or service. There are many educated and opinionated and informed people with social media access who are happy to share their views, negative or otherwise.
Find ways to help create value in your relationships. When done correctly, networking can help you gain influencers, broaden your expertise, and find purpose and balance. Smart networking is one of the most powerful accelerators of success. When you help others become more successful – when you make yourself indispensable to those around you – then you become truly successful. That is relationship building and good networking.