Networking can be a powerful tool, if you do it correctly. It can help you with personal and professional advancement. To be good networkers you should know how to introduce each other to new business opportunities, to help each other find business, jobs and invest time and energy into each other’s initiatives.
Then why do so many people avoid networking? Or just show up at networking events to hang out with their friends. The reason is simple – most people, think ‘networking’ as pre-rehearsed elevator pitch. You work the room with a stack of business cards to distribute. They are insincere and ambitious; they are the person they want to avoid.
But that isn’t networking, is not even real conversation. Most people are hungry for genuine conversations and real relationships. Most people love to talk about themselves so take the time to ask questions. Be genuine and sincere. It is far more beneficial, on multiple levels, to have meaningful conversation with a few than insincere commentary with a roomfull. I have been guilty of this. I am great at asking questions but most often do not follow up and work on taking that conversation to a relationship building level. Remember that successful people are surrounded by other people who help them become better.
I want to become better.